Office Partition Panels and Movable Walls

FlexForm FR is the result of a multi year development project to produce a natural fiber based material that meets the Class A flame and smoke requirements of the ASTM E84 standard for interior applications in buildings. FlexForm FR will give the environmentally conscious office furniture OEM an alternative for glass matting used in partition panels, movable wall systems, and ceiling tiles. With superior structural properties designers now have the ability to look at systems requiring less steel to reduce costs, weight, and simplify manufacturing. FlexForm FR has excellent tack properties.

Ceiling Tiles

The next evolution with FlexForm FR will be to breathe new life into boring ceiling tile designs. Designers and end-users will be able to custom tailor three dimensional logos or themes into a molded tile that can be produced with a variety of fabric finishes giving entry ways and board rooms an upscale appearance.


FlexForm's unique properties allow designers to create attractive, lightweight, and functional pieces never before possible. FlexForm can be used to create work surfaces or systems, and seating. Its ability to bond with fabrics in the molding process enables revolutionary approaches to the design of seating.